This is your comprehensive, but easy-to-follow manual for having conversations with anyone in your life. There’s nothing fancy here –everyone can do it.
“The Relationship Protocol®” book teaches you Debra’s unique and proven communication model, the one she developed and continues to teach in her work and trainings.
You’ll learn how to use the Relationship Protocol® approach in your important relationships, both at home and at work. Included are many real-life examples that show you how to use the model with difficult interactions and everyday conversations.

Take a peek inside The Relationship Protocol®

This is an important book for everyone to have in their personal library. It’s full of common sense tools you can use to talk about sensitive subjects, stop arguments, break old negative ways of communicating, deal with betrayals, stress, and a lot more.
Winner of the Readers' Favorite award "In recognition of excellence in writing."
Start transforming the quality of your
relationship and order your copy today!